Last November we held a movie and prayer night for dear friends who were adopting from China. We had never seen the movie Rescued at that time, but we had seen trailers and knew it would be a perfect way to encourage our friends and learn more about how we could come alongside them in their adoption journey. Little did we know, the Lord would use the movie Rescued to lead us to start praying about adoption!
Several months later, the Lord confirmed His calling on our lives through another powerful film, Grafted. My husband and I watched this film with our teenage son, and we all came away rejoicing in the conviction that this was, indeed, the Lord’s will for our family. That night, after watching Grafted, my husband wrote the following words to our oldest son:
“May it be said of us….that the Evert family lived out what they believed. That there was no cost that was too high for us to pay in light of what has been paid for us. No ordained battle that looked too perilous for us to engage in. May it be said that we never shrank back when the time came for us to enter the fray. That when our Captain ordered us forward, that we were fierce in the fight. May it be said that we loved neither our comfort nor our lives more than our King. That we loved our true and eternal home more that this feeble, passing away world. That we believed this world is not our home and that we lived that out.
May my sons say that their father was not only a man who talked of moving forward in faith, but one who took the ground in name of the King because He trusted the Lord to give it to him and trusted his King to hold it after he had left the field.
May our King say to us all: ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ (Matthew 25:23, ESV)”
Today we faxed in our first large sheaf of Dossier paperwork, mailed the first really big check, and scheduled our first social worker interview. We have “entered the fray” of this God-ordained battle!
My friend Marci has posted an interview with the filmmakers of Grafted on her blog, and she is also hosting a give-away of the movie! We were challenged and inspired by the theology and teaching put forth in Grafted, and we found the testimonies of adoptive families which are liberally sprinkled throughout to be helpful and encouraging as we contemplated what the adoption process might look like.
Click here to Purchase Grafted as a download for just $4.99, or on DVD for $14.99
Oh, and one more thing, just as an aside: both Rescued and Grafted were made by teenagers. It is so very encouraging to see what our young people can do for the Lord when their focus is set on Christ and His Kingdom!
[…] We were also powerfully impacted by the movie Grafted. I have put more information and links about Grafted in this post. […]