Showering the Bride With Prayer

A bridal shower is a special opportunity to cover a new bride with loving prayer.  My church holds a bridal prayer shower whenever someone is getting married.

Ask the bride for any specific requests she has.  Then read each of the following prayer points aloud, and ask for a volunteer to pray for each request.  After each request has been assigned, pray through them as the Spirit leads.  The Bride-to-Be will feel showered, indeed.

Pray for her relationship with her husband-to-be for pre-marital counseling sessions, for clear communication, for unity and for grace as they approach their wedding day.

Pray for her relationship with her parents, as she “leaves and cleaves,” moving physically and emotionally from her parents’ home into her husband’s.

Pray for peace and a godly attitude as she finalizes wedding details.

Pray God’s blessing on her womb, that she would be fruitful.  Pray that the Lord will prosper her husband’s work.  Pray that they will be given opportunities to minister together, and that the Lord will use them in a mighty way to accomplish the work of His Kingdom.

Pray scripture, such as Proverbs 31 and 1 Peter 3, for her.  Speak these words of truth and grace into her life, praying that the Lord would bring her to maturity in Christ, that she would be a fitting help mate to her husband and that God would be glorified in her Christ-like service as a wife and mother.

Pray for the various stages of her life: that God would give her patience and gentleness as a young mother, that He would help her to train and guide her children wisely during their teen years, and that her relationship with her husband would grow stronger and richer with each passing year.  Pray for her as she ages, that her children will “arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.”  Pray that she will leave a godly legacy for her children’s children, and that God would pour out His love on her family for a thousand generations (Exodus 20: 6).

*This post was first published on Mentoring Moments for Christian Women.

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