A Service of Worship

I was blessed recently to attend a conference at which Michael Horton was the keynote speaker. His book In the Face of God has been one of the most influential books I’ve read.

I picked it up at a critical time in my life, and the Lord used it to change my direction. It was one of those times when “two roads diverged in a yellow wood” and I took the one less traveled by, the one that has made all the difference in my life.

At the time, we had recently left the mission field and returned to the States. We were looking for a church where the Word was faithfully preached, but I had another criterion, as well. I felt tired and dry and I wanted a church that would move me emotionally, one where I could “connect with God” during worship.

I wanted the worship service to minister to me.

The Lord used Mr. Horton’s book to remind me that worship is meant to be the response of a grateful heart, not the means of stirring up that gratitude in the first place. As we listen to God’s Word and reflect on all that He has done for us in Christ, how can we fail to be moved emotionally?

We should not need a particular tune or a certain pastor or a special musical number to cause our hearts to worship. Instead, we need to come to grips with the punishment our sins deserve and the grace God has lavished upon us in adopting us as sons.

I was reminded again today of all that I have to be grateful for. And the Lord did minister to me. But it wasn’t through a carefully crafted “worship experience”. Instead, He fed my soul with “the richest of fare” through His Word and through the bread and wine of communion. I, in turn, responded with worship, the overflow of a grateful heart.


  1. Hi, I’m not sure how I discovered your blog, but I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know that I truly enjoy your writing. I love this post; how it describes the response of worship as the overflow of a grateful heart. Beautiful! I hope to visit back often.


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