Last year our family watched a life-changing movie. We decided to show Rescued: The Heart of Adoption and Caring for Orphans at a prayer night we were holding for friends who were in the process of adopting. Little did we know the Lord would use this movie to cause our family to begin praying about adopting.
Rescued: The Heart of Adoption and Caring for Orphans
Rescued: The Heart of Adoption and Caring for Orphans – Trailer from Rescued The Movie on Vimeo.
James 1:27 says that “Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world”? Rescued explores how the church can come alongside families who are adopting, as well as the role that adoption plays in fulfilling the Great Commission.
This movie would be great to watch as a family, but it was even more exciting to watch it with friends. Several families gathered together to watch, and then we prayed for the family who was in the process of adopting.
We were also powerfully impacted by the movie Grafted. I have put more information and links about Grafted in this post.
Adoption sermon by Voddie Baucham
Our family loves listening to Voddie Baucham sermons. He is not afraid to speak his mind boldly, and he backs up everything with the Word of God. He and his wife have adopted several children, and we found this free sermon to be compelling and challenging regarding how Christians should think about adoption. I appreciate that pastor Baucham is not afraid to confront our unbiblical fears and presuppositions in his sermons, and this message is no different. I love to hear the hard-hitting truth!
Adopted for Life: The Priority of Adoption for Christian Families & Churches
I could hardly put this book down. It made me laugh and cry, and I found it to be inspiring, touching, and theologically rich. In addition to giving me a greater heart for adoption, this book gave me more appreciation for the beauty of the Gospel. Moore demonstrates that adoption is all over the Bible, something I hadn’t really seen before but I recognize it now that I am aware. Moore challenges Christians that because of our adoption in Christ we have more reason than anyone to be involved in adoption. If you want to read one book about Christian adoption, pick this one!
Lisa Winton interview: Lisa Winton is the mother of the teenage boy who produced the movie Rescued, and she is an adoptive mother, as well. In this interview, Lisa shares openly about adopting two special needs children from the U.S. foster care system. Her testimony of God’s grace amidst struggle is challenging and uplifting.
Over Land and Sea by Steven Layne, illustrated by Jan Bower
Jan Bower is a favorite illustrator of mine. This beautifully illustrated children’s book tells a story of international adoption and would make a lovely present for an adoptive family.
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