Be careful what you write!

Little did I know when I wrote the post about “wiping noses” how much of that I would be doing! Three of my four boys have Strep Throat, and the littlest has a nasty cold to boot. There has been plenty of nose-wiping going on.

Last night I was up late, checking on sick kids. And today actually started at 4 a.m., because little C’s cough was keeping him awake. I rocked him and rocked him until he could finally drift off again. I was not so lucky, though. I lay awake, thinking about what the rest of the day would bring.

Today we sat for what seemed like ages, waiting to be worked in at the Doctor. Three sick kids kept asking, “When will it be our turn?” I actually felt kind of glad that they had Strep. At least we could get some medicine! It is so frustrating to wait at the Dr. for hours, only to be told there is nothing they can do for you.

After the Doctor’s office, we went to the pharmacy. Oh, how I wanted to use the drive-thru pharmacy, but we had to go to the big one where the medicine is cheaper. When the girl told me it would be an hour long wait, I almost lost it….almost.

I managed to hold it together long enough to try and entertain 3 sick boys until the medicine was ready. By the time I could finally pay for it, I really was losing it. When I tried to speak to the cashier, I burst into tears. I tried not to make eye contact as I bit my lip, handed over the cash, grabbed the medicine and bolted for the door.

The marathon ahead of me loomed large. Lunch had to be made and then cleaned up. Stories had to be read, medicines dispensed, naps orchestrated. Then it was time for homeschool with our oldest son, who isn’t sick and who had been patient all day as we tried to do a little math here and a bit of history there throughout the day.

And yet now, the marathon is almost over. Dinner has been served and cleaned up. The kids are playing quietly with legos, and soon they will be in bed. I am drinking my evening coffee, which has become more than a beverage for me. It is the sign that my busy day is done. It is a moment of quiet respite, and the proof that I survived today and lived to tell about it.

Of course, tomorrow morning’s coffee is the sign that I survived the night and lived to tell about it….and the beat goes on!


  1. Oh, Molly…I’ll be praying for you all.

  2. So sorry to hear that your family is under the weather. You’re in my prayers – Katie

  3. Wow what a day! I pray for healing and rest in your home!

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