Choose Your Own Adventure! Mentoring Moments Monday

Did you ever read the Choose Your Own Adventure books as a kid? I loved them. You read a couple of pages and then get a choice: “To see what lies at the end of the dark hallway, turn to page 7. To step out into the bright sunshine, turn to page 8.”

I always cheated. I turned to page 7 AND to page 8. Then I checked out where those options led, and where those options led, and so on until I found a happy ending.

It was always surprising to me that the dark hallway usually led to the happy ending, whereas the bright sunshine led to a dismal end.

I read an article last week about one man who is so discontented with his life that he has put the whole thing (house, car, boat, and friends!) up for sale as a package deal on ebay. He’s just going to walk away after the sale, passport in hand, and start again somewhere else.

He’s not just trying to choose his own adventure. He wants to start a whole new book!

Sometimes I want to choose my own adventure, too. I don’t want a new book, but I DO want a guarantee that all my paths will be smooth and bright, and every one will lead to the happy ending. No dark hallways for me, thank you. I’d like to skip the mundane roads, too.

But only God knows what path we need to take. He is the One who makes thousands of details fit together perfectly in your life and mine. He is the One who guarantees that whatever path we are on, it is all working together for our good.

It is important, in light of God’s sovereignty, to be content in the midst of all our adventures. You can listen to my talk on Contentment from this blog site, or at Mentoring Moments . In Contentment, I share about how I am finding contentment along my path in life. This message covers practical topics many women struggle with, including perfectionism, marriage, children, homemaking, finances and body image.


  1. I had forgotten all about those books! I understand what you mean about choosing your own ending. Just this morning I was letting some things go to God, trusting His plans are better than mine.

  2. Molly,

    This is the first chance I’ve had to check out your blog. Wow! What a gold mine of resources and encouragement. Since we travel full-time, I am especially interested in some of the audio books you recommend. How do I go about obtaining them? I hope that’s not a silly question!

    Thanks again for your blog!


  3. Patsy,
    Are you referring to the unabridged audio books in My Library Thing? If so, I get them from

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