Household Idols

I believe I just took a small step along the road to sanctification. It will probably seem tiny, indeed, to you.

I have an idol. I’m sure I have many, in fact. But let me tell you about one of them. Order is an idol for me. Neatness. Organization. A place for everything and everything in its place.

With four boys and a busy homeschooling schedule, I find that I am not able to live by this standard by any stretch of the imagination. But there are certain things I can control.

Like my Betty Lukken felt set. I got it years ago at a used book sale for a fraction of its value. This beautiful set has over 600 figures, all cataloged and numbered, and laid out in numerical order on giant file sheets. There is even a book that has every Bible story in it, along with lists of numbers so that you can find exactly which figures you need.

So what have we done with this set for the past 7 years? Virtually nothing. We used it a few times, and it was so panic inducing that I had to put it away. I was so worried about letting the boys touch it, lest (gasp) the figures might somehow get out of order!! My youngest boys don’t even know that it exists.

The Lord was convicting me that it is idolatrous to need this perfect order. I know that when we study Moses and the Plagues in a few weeks, having lots of frogs and flies and hail to put on the felt board will really be a valuable memory aid for the little boys.

So I took the plunge and put together labeled ziploc baggies for several Bible stories. Each baggie contains all the felt pieces needed for telling that story. Nothing is in order anymore. Piece number 5 is in the same bag as numbers 331 and 114.

Are you laughing at me? I said it was a baby step. Yet it was a big step for me. I am grateful for the Lord’s sanctifying grace, changing me over time. He uses little steps just like this one to show us the larger issue, and cut out the deeper sin.

The Lord showed me tonight that this is not about a desire for organization. It is about a need for control. It is not about wanting to keep things nice. It is about hoarding resources that were meant to be shared.

We are by nature idolaters. When the Lord saved us, our grotesque idols were quickly dealt with. For most of us, it’s the “useful” idols which remain. These are the ones the Lord continues to root out of our lives as He convicts us of remaining sin.

Do you have any “useful” idols which really need to go?

“Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.” Luke 4:8


  1. What a BIG step, IMHO. I think the first step in tearing down idols is the hardest, so the LORD has put you on the path for that idol’s destruction- hooray! Thanks for sharing this.

    I see you’re getting ready for Year 1! Fun! I’ll be around here a lot as I prepare for my first year with ToG. Gonna go look up your stuff about TLRG and notebookings.


  2. Oops! LRTG wasn’t you. Different mom on the forums. Found her.

    I just want to say again how helpful you have been. Thank you!

  3. Oh, you always hit the truth right on its patooki! Order can so often be an idol. Getting our peace from having things in order (from OUR hands being capable and dutiful in putting things in order in OUR timing). Sometimes I’m convinced the Lord lets my house get out of control, through one mini-catastrophe or another, to remind me it is NOT my source of peace.

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