Just do it!

According to my husband, there is a phrase that I frequently use. Apparently, I am wont to say, “If there’s anything I hate, it’s….” and I fill in the blank with whatever odious task is looming over my head at the moment. This was a revelation to me! I don’t want to be negative about the work the Lord has given me to do, even about the jobs that are distasteful.

I had already used the phrase twice today when he pointed it out. First, it was “If there’s anything I hate, it’s weeding.” Later, it was “If there’s anything I hate, it’s going to the post office. And if there’s anything I hate more than that, it’s taking four kids to the post office.”

Today was the day to repent of this negativity and to dig in and get the awful jobs done. The kids and I took time this morning to start weeding our butterfly garden. Three years ago we planted 3 small butterfly bushes and a few caterpillar food plants. Since that time, it has grown into about 30 butterfly bushes and 1,000 thorny weeds.

The post office is the same deal. I knew I had a package to mail, but I just hate (there’s that word again!) the whole process….finding a box, tracking down packing materials, putting it all together, driving across town, standing in line….

But as my friend Kitty always used to tell me, “When you procrastinate on a distasteful job, it drains a lot of your emotional energy. The physical energy required to do a job is often less than the emotional energy that is used up when you don’t do it.” I have found this to be true again and again. With all of us working together, we should have the butterfly garden weeded in no more than 3 hours work. Yet I’ve spent countless hours over the past 3 years feeling bad about not doing that work.

But no more! We got half way through weeding it today, and I already feel better. The packages were mailed, and I even stopped at Home Depot on the way and made some returns. Who knows, I might even do my husband’s stinky, sweaty laundry tonight, since I am on a roll!

Is there a task you have been putting off? Just do it! Even if it is so big that you can’t finish it, just make a start. You’ll be glad you did.


  1. How timely, Molly. I stayed up very late last night getting about 15 packages/envelopes ready to mail, as I’d been avoiding them like the plague for months!!! Now I’ve got to get myself and the kiddos to the Post Office today! My “red flag” words are “…I don’t feel like it.” The Lord revealed that to me a couple of years ago, but it’s still a struggle. I try, when I say or think those words, to just do it right then. I like FlyLady’s current motto for this year: “Do it Now! Don’t wait! Get things done in 2008!” 🙂 This has helped me in those moments of avoidance, as well.

    Did you do that stinky laundry? I am purging/organizing/getting ready for a yard sale today. And trying to keep a happy heart all the while. Think I’ll go and put on some lively worship music! A little Casting Crowns, anyone? 😉

    Hope you have a great weekend!

    In His grace,

  2. Hmm…making returns to stores. It was hard enough getting up the gumption to shop with all four children. Then to have to take it back? Ugghh.

    And the post office, though it is only a mile from my home. It’s quieter than the library, and the employees more cross than the adult section librarians. I mailed out my father’s Christmas, birthday and Easter cards all at the same time–a week after Easter.

    I’ll try to rise to your challenge and get those clothes back to Penney’s. This weekend. They are taking up mind space and behind-the-front-door space, too.

  3. I agree! If there’s anything I hate, it’s cleaning out the refrigerator and we all know that the longer you put THAT off, the WAY worse it gets. LOL!

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