I wrote about the song Jesus I Come a year ago. So why am I writing about it again? I guess it’s because this is where I live.
My sins are ever before me, and daily I am reminded of how far I fall short of God’s glory. Yet daily he assures me of the hope I have in Christ!
The kids and I just memorized this hymn last week. Each week we pick a new hymn to focus on, talking about the words and what they mean and singing it every day during our morning devotions.
This hymn was different. It didn’t fit with our usual format. Perhaps it’s because I couldn’t talk about the words without crying. On Monday morning as we began learning this hymn, I was convicted that I needed to confess my sins to the children. Through tears I asked forgiveness for being so crabby lately, so impatient, and so selfish.
My children were quick to forgive, as they always are. But that wasn’t the end. Soon, some of them were crying, too, and everyone began confessing their sins to one another. They had been rude, disrespectful, unkind.
What a joy it was to repent together, to forgive and be forgiven, and to remind these precious children of the grace that is ours in Christ.
“You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” 1 Peter 2: 9
Click here to listen to this song.
Jesus I Come
Out of my bondage, sorrow and night
Jesus, I come; Jesus I come
Into Thy freedom, gladness and light
Jesus, I come to Thee
Out of my sickness into Thy health
Out of my wanting and into Thy wealth
Out of my sin and into Thyself
Jesus, I come to Thee.
Out of my shameful failure and loss
Jesus, I come; Jesus, I come
Into the glorious gain of Thy cross
Jesus, I come to Thee
Out of earth’s sorrows into Thy balm
Out of life’s storms and into Thy calm
Out of distress into jubilant psalm
Jesus, I come to Thee.
Out of unrest and arrogant pride
Jesus, I come; Jesus, I come
Into Thy blessed will to abide
Jesus, I come to Thee
Out of myself to dwell in Thy love
Out of despair into raptures above
Upward forever on wings like a dove
Jesus, I come to Thee.
Out of the fear and dread of the tomb
Jesus, I come; Jesus, I come
Into the joy and light of Thy home
Jesus, I come to Thee
Out of the depths of ruin untold
Into the peace of Thy sheltering fold
Ever Thy glorious face to behold
Jesus, I come to Thee.
Encouraging testimony, Molly. Thank you for sharing.
We have finally started memorizing a hymn every week thanks in large part to reading about it here. This past week we learned No, Not Despairingly by Horatius Bonar.