Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him. Psalm 42:5
Some mornings it seems like nothing goes right. I wake up to a messy house and find that we are out of milk, and already I feel stress. Add a forgotten early morning appointment or a husband with no clean socks to this equation and it becomes “the perfect storm.” By 8 a.m. I am already discouraged and overwhelmed, and I haven’t even finished my first cup of coffee!
I know that prayer should be my first line of defense in situations like these, yet my flesh tells me I am too busy. If I’m already behind on my day’s work, how can I afford to spend time praying? Ironically, that is exactly what I need to do. Not only does it calm my anxious heart, but I find those minutes easily regained once I start thinking clearly and making more productive decisions.
The Psalmist gives us a model in Psalm 43 for how to pray when we are discouraged.
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