Resources for Protecting Your Marriage Talk

This resource list goes with the message Protecting Your Marriage, which I’ll be giving this week for the Ultimate Homeschool Expo.  If you miss it, don’t worry!  I’ll post it here on my blog soon, too.

Only a very small fraction of my talk focuses on the topic of s*x, but most of the resources I suggest are about that topic!  I guess that’s because I’ve found very little on this topic which is both helpful and biblical, and so I want to highlight those few gems that are out there.

I only mention a few books and audio podcasts in my talk Protecting Your Marriage.  Here are the links to those suggestions.

S*x and the Supremacy of Christ by John Piper can be downloaded in audio, video or as a book for free.
free pdf book download
audio/video  Part 1 and Part 2

The book is obviously longer than the audio.  The entire 2004 Desiring God conference was dedicated to this topic, and there are many more free audios available.

One I have listened to which was very good is Carolyn Mahaney’s message S*x, Romance and the Glory of God: What Every Christian Wife Needs to Know.

Other links mentioned in the talk:

We are using Covenant Eyes internet filter to protect everyone in our home from unwanted images on the internet.  They also offer accountability.  Use this link or my promo code CounterCultural to get 30 days of free service.

Covenant Eyes internet filtering and accountability

More about our experience with Covenant Eyes and internet filtering

One of my favorite books on marriage is The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace.  It is very biblical, full of Scripture, challenging and encouraging at the same time.  Every Christian wife should have a copy!

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