The national news media recently picked up a story about Pastor Paul Wirth’s “30-day Sex Challenge”. Pastor Wirth of The Relevant Church in Tampa, Florida is challenging married couples in his congregation to have intercourse every day for 30 days. Singles are being challenged to abstain for 30 days. Believe me, I’ve got a few things to say about the singles’ challenge (stay tuned for Part Two)!
For now, let’s start with this challenge for married couples. Pastor Wirth cites a 50% divorce rate in our country, and believes this challenge will help stem the tide in his congregation. But isn’t this approach similar to an info-mercial for a diet or exercise program?
“Try our program for just 30 days! You’ll love the results, or your money back!”
Pastor Wirth’s church isn’t named “Relevant” for nothing. His challenge smacks of the “wisdom” that can be gleaned from a casual perusal of daytime television. Pastor Wirth states that, “Studies say in 30 days you can develop a habit.” Are good habits the secret to having good marriages?
While I agree that increased intimacy is beneficial for a marriage, I hardly think that this gets to the root of the problem. What if my problem were obesity? Running 5 miles daily on the treadmill would be beneficial, but it wouldn’t solve my problem if I continued to consume 15,000 calories a day.
The Relevant Church proposes a behavioral solution to marital problems. If only it were that easy! Sin is the true root of our marital problems, and a simple change in behavior isn’t enough.
We need to repent of our sin, and look to God’s Word for true wisdom. Do I want my marriage to last? Absolutely, but how about setting a higher goal?! I want my marriage to glorify God.
Do you want a better marriage in 30 days? Try repentance! Guaranteed, or your money back.
For more of my thoughts about repentance and biblical marriage, listen to my podcast on “The Testimony of a Godly Woman”.
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