It’s been a looooong week with the kids. On Monday I wrote about Giving Our Children to the Lord. It’s Friday now, and I am contemplating whether I can apply 1 Corinthians 5:5 where Paul writes, “Hand this man over to Satan so that the sinful nature may be destroyed.”
My kids are good kids. But they are messy. And they don’t pick up after themselves very well. Today I surveyed my domain, and there were shoes thrown everywhere, board games dragged out but not put away, and someone’s cup on the coffee table (not the kind you drink out of….the sports kind, yuck!)
Scooters in the driveway, legos which can only be found by unsuspecting bare feet, piles of dusty rocks gathered from the four corners of the earth and left on the kitchen counter…these are the kinds of things I am talking about!
I shared about this problem once before in Sawdust and Planks, but it bears repeating: the reason all of this bothers me so much is because it points to my own sin, and my own failure. I have not trained these children well enough.
“Spring Cleaning Weekend” has officially begun. We will exercise dominion over our home, and then we will establish a better schedule for the boys’ chores.
In the meantime, I am giving myself grace. This is just another reminder that I am not Superwoman. I cannot do it all. By God’s grace, I am trying to improve in the areas where I am weak, and to train myself as I also train my children. But I recognize that each woman (and each child) has weaknesses as well as gifts.
So instead of making 1 Corinthians 5:5 my theme verse for this weekend, I think I’ll try to apply Colossians 3:13. “Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another.” I know my kids will appreciate the difference.
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