Swimming in January

Little C has decided that he wants to swim this month! He loves to put on his swimming suit and pretend to swim on blankets on the floor. Earlier this week he begged me to put on my swimming suit, too. It was his “mommy and me” time, so I suited up!

Little C set up a “ladder” by my king sized bed and we both jumped into the “pool” and pretended to swim. He kept running back and forth to his room, changing from one suit to another. Once he changed back into his clothes because he was cold, but after he jumped into the pretend pool he had to change again because he got his clothes “wet”! They went into the pretend dryer, of course, and soon he could put them on again.

Mommy didn’t mind all his clothes-changing ways, because that meant I could just float on my back and rest. Little C didn’t like to discover me resting, because he says people are supposed to swim on their tummies, not on their backs.

Once again, as in the “playing puppies” incident, I was tempted to find reasons not to play. I really don’t enjoy these open-ended pretend games. Or at least I don’t THINK I will enjoy them. They don’t feel structured enough for me. But once we start playing, it is actually fun. We spent a happy half hour, swimming together, and I even got some shut-eye during all the wardrobe changes!

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