“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5
I couldn’t sleep last night. I was worried about our son. We still don’t have a diagnosis for him. What if his condition is serious? What if he does have to be hospitalized? What if he doesn’t respond to treatment?
The pharmacist didn’t initially want to fill his prescriptions, thinking they were too strong for a young child. What if the antibiotics knock out all his good bacteria? What if….
Whenever my children have bad dreams, I encourage them to “change the channel” in their mind, just as we would change the TV channel if something frightening came on. I needed to change the channel in my mind last night, and take every thought captive to Christ.
My fears, though normal, are pretensions which set themselves up against the knowledge of God. Does God ever have to wonder “What if?” He has known since before the foundation of the world that we would walk this path. He knows what caused all of this, and he knows what is happening in our son’s body right now. He knows how and if and when this will all be resolved.
I am called to exercise faith, and rest in the knowledge that He not only knows, but also cares. He is with us each step of the way, comforting and strengthening our hearts. Everything we are going through is working for our ultimate good: our sanctification.
As a Christian, I do not need to know the answers to “what if” and “why”. My loving heavenly Father knows these answers, and I can trust in Him. Taking captives is hard work, especially when that which I am supposed to take captive is trying to enslave me. I can only fall on my face before the Lord, like the father of the possessed boy in Mark, and cry out, “I do believe! Help me overcome my unbelief!”
“For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, ‘Abba, Father.’ The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs–heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.”
Romans 8:15-17
This post is linked to Visionary Womanhood.
“Lord, it’s me again. I’m coming to you on behalf of my friend, my sister in Christ, Molly. Lord, she’s scared. Her son is sick and she doesn’t know what’s wrong. Would you help her? Would you help Knox? Would you hug them up close and protect the entire family? Would you heal his body? Would you allow his body to be restored to full health as early as tomorrow morning? Help them during this difficult time, I pray. In Jesus’ name, Amen,”
Oh, Molly, you are so right. Taking the thought captive often means falling on your face and pleading with God to take it for you. He is so faithful, He never breaks His promises.
I am continuing to pray for Knox and YOU!
Oh, Molly! How often I cry out that very same thing. I pray the Lord grants you the grace to be able to rest in His sovereign care for your sweet boy and for giving you the answers in just the right timing. I can’t imagine. I pray that the Lord will protect you from the evil one, and that you will sense His peace. It truly does pass all understanding, doesn’t it?!?!
Thanks for letting us know, keep us posted, please! We’ll be praying for Knox and the rest of your family.
Much love in Christ,