The Cares of a Married Woman

My life looked a lot different when I was a single woman. I had loads of time for lengthy Bible studies, prayer, and retreats of silence. Nowadays, “retreat of silence” means 5 minutes alone in the bathroom, and even that is very hard to come by.

Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 7 about the benefits to remaining single. He said that those who are unmarried care about the things of the Lord, how they may please Him. Those who are married have many cares in this world, including pleasing their husband and caring for their children.

This is not to say that married Christians do not try to please the Lord! But it points to the fact that the single person has more time and opportunity to focus on the things of God and ministry to the church.

It should also be a reminder to us married women, that we are not in that season of singleness now. If I tried to live like the widow Anna, who never left the Temple day or night, it would have negative consequences for my family. And if I neglect to care for the family God has given me, I am worse than an unbeliever (1 Timothy 5:8).

As God increases our cares in this life, through the blessing of children, we should not feel guilty when we cannot devote large blocks of uninterrupted time to Bible reading and prayer. A significant part of my time in the Word is spent with my children gathered around me. The married woman has different duties than the single woman, a different way of serving the Lord, and different opportunities for feeding on Him.

This season will not last forever. One day, our children will be grown. We may become widowed and find ourselves free, once again, to think only about the things of the Lord. But in the meantime, let us purpose to serve the Lord within the sphere where He has placed us. It is frustrating (at best) and sinful (at worst) when we neglect that sphere to try and live as if we were still single.


  1. That makes me think of Susannah Wesley, who used to kneel at her rocker with her apron pulled over her head (while her dozen or so children lived life) to get some quiet time with the Lord.

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