Have you ever wondered, in the quiet of the night, whether being a mother is truly valuable? How does a mother find significance in her ministry to her children, even when it is mundane?
The first step is in remembering that our ministry to our children does not stop with them. We need to have a vision for the future generations even now. I am not doing all of this for my children alone, but for their children and their children’s children.
It is not enough to have a vision for our own children only. The Lord has promised faithfulness to a thousand generations of those that love him. We should not merely try to hang on and hope for the best in our children. We should be actively working and praying toward the fulfillment of God’s promise within our own family for generations to come.
This is the secret of why a woman’s ministry to her children, in her small sphere at home, can be so powerful. Our children are going to be the pastors and politicians and missionaries and authors and college professors of tomorrow. They will also be fathers and husbands, mothers and wives!
It is in our homes that these future Christian leaders will be evangelized and trained, and it is our duty before God, along with our husbands, to see that this is done as unto the Lord!
Let us be content, even in this small sphere. The ripples of what we do in our lives will be felt in the generations to come. Our influence is greater than we realize.
“I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.” Exodus 20: 5-6
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