I read a fascinating article in The Atlantic recently, in which a prominent feminist took the lid off Pandora’s box and admitted–to the horror of feminists everywhere–that women actually can’t have it all.
Former White House Staffer Annie-Marie Slaughter felt compelled to leave Washington and return to her not-quite-so-demanding position as a tenured professor at Princeton University when her teenage children started showing signs of suffering during her absence.
When she floated the idea of writing this article to her co-workers she was told that her thoughts dare not should not be verbalized, lest the up and coming generation of feminists learn the awful truth and forfeit ground their fore-mothers sacrificed so much to gain.
Blogger Karol Markowicz challenges Slaughter in her equally thought-provoking New York Post article titled Men Never Could Have it All. Slaughter may not like the choices she is faced with, but let’s face it: these are choices most men will never have. Markowicz rightly points out that, “A woman may look for fulfillment in a career but the man has to focus on taking financial care of his family–whether or not the work is fulfilling.”
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