I wrote a post recently on Counter-Cultural School about how we are using audio books for school. Although the kids always have an audiobook in progress, I actually listen to more audio content than anyone in the family!
As a busy homeschooling mom, it can be hard to find empty hours to read or listen to recorded sermons. It is so important to me, though, as the Lord uses these mediums tremendously in my life for exhortation and encouragement. I’ve written before that I keep books in practically every room in the house, so I can read a page or two whenever I have a moment.
Likewise, I always have at least one taped sermon in the car to listen to as I run errands. I don’t have my own MP3 player or CD player, but one (or both!) are on my Christmas list so that I can make better use of my time washing dishes and cooking dinner.
This weekend I had a long drive and spent several hours in the car. These are the messages I took along:
Carolyn Mahaney’s message from the 2004 National Desiring God Conference:. Her message, titled Sex, Romance and the Glory of God: What Every Christian Wife Needs to Know, was encouraging and thoroughly biblical. The entire conference is available on free MP3 download. I’m thrilled about this whole series, Sex and the Supremacy of Christ, because there is not much available in Christendom that teaches a thoroughly biblical view of this important aspect of a married couple’s life. This, too, should be done to the glory of God. If you prefer, John Piper’s book by the same name can be purchased or downloaded for free online.
There are also downloads for all the other Desiring God conferences from years past. There are enough free sermons here to keep anyone busy for awhile!
I also listened to Doug Phillips message The Family Table, which was about recovering family culture and discipling our children at the dinner table. I also listened to R.C. Sproul Jr.’s message Home Sweet Home: A Vision for Covenant Communities. Both of these were downloaded at Vision Forum’s new site Behemoth. Behemoth offers two free downloads daily so I got both of these messages for free, as well.
Next I listened to Nancy Leigh DeMoss. Her excellent message From Him, Through Him and To Him was a great encouragement. There are several more free audio downloads at this link from the True Woman 2008 conference.
Another source of free sermon audio downloads which I frequently make use of is the Renewing Your Mind radio program. Ligonier also makes many other excellent messages available on their home page for live streaming from your computer.
I also enjoy downloading segments of The White Horse Inn, a nationally syndicated radio talk show featuring roundtable discussions of theology and apologetics.
What are you listening to? I would love it if you would post a comment, letting my other readers know what you’ve found encouraging, or directing me to some fresh sources of audio content!
Just found your blog through Mentoring Moments, and as a fellow home schooler, I will love peaking through your archives. I have just started taking advantage of all the wonderful things on line and can’t wait to have my son teach me how to put them on CD…hee hee.
Many of the things you have listened to, I have read or listen to as well. Love the White Horse Inn. 🙂
You might want to check out sermonaudio.com. They say they have the largest library of free mp3 sermons on the web. They’re not all reformed churches but we’ve listened to some good sermons.