The Birthday

Today was Little C’s birthday. The whole family worked together to make it a special day for him. Little C had listed off several things he wanted to do today, and his brothers divided up the list to make sure that every one of his little dreams was fulfilled.

First off was that he wanted to eat blue cereal for breakfast. How does he even know such a thing exists? Lucky for him, mommy was allowed to eat Boo Berry as a child, and knows that such things do, indeed, exist…I had to go to three different stores to find it, but it was worth it this morning. Big brother J was up before me, and met Little C in the kitchen. It was delicious to lay in bed and listen to their chatter. After eating his bowl of Boo Berry, Little C said, “I ate a good breakfast, mommy, can I have my cake and ice cream now?” I think his definition of the words “good breakfast” is different than mine!

The rest of his day was spent playing pirates, knights, army men, puppies, and trains. Big brother J even took him outside to ride his scooter, in spite of chilly weather. Little C and I looked through his baby box before nap time and enjoyed seeing all the old photos, ultrasound pictures, little hats and shoes, cards and other keepsakes. He isn’t the only one who has grown…I can’t believe his brothers were so little when he was born!

He was so excited about his presents this evening that he didn’t even want to eat cake. He just wanted to play. Of course when it was time to go to bed, THEN he was ready for cake! As I tucked him in tonight, he wrapped his little arms around my neck. “Mommy, I’m holding you tight so you can’t get away!” As if I would try to get away! There’s nowhere I’d rather be.


  1. Oh!!! That is so sweet! For birthdays around our house we have a big blue Celebrate plate that the special person gets to use all day. And a visit from the Birthday Fairy, who leaves a gift on the end of their bed in the wee hours of the morning. That way they have something fun to wake up to. And that person gets to decide what is served for dinner.

  2. Katie Gillet says:

    You could always food-color oatmeal blue…

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