This world is not our home

Last night we sat down with our kids for evening devotions. We had decided to sing Psalm 46, sensing that we all needed some encouragement in light of today’s pending election. This Psalm, which is (ironically) set to the tune “O beautiful for Spacious Skies”, helps us focus on what is true.

God is our refuge and our strength,
In straits a present aid;
And, therefore, tho’ the earth remove
We will not be afraid;
Tho’ hills amidst the seas be cast,
Tho’ troubled waters roar,
Yea, tho’ the swelling billows shake
The mountains on the shore…

Our children are very fearful. In their imagination, the day after the election will bring about an immediate slaughter of the unborn and a nationwide persecution of Christians.

We comforted them. As bad as things seem, we don’t believe for a moment that it will get that bad, at least not by tomorrow! But more importantly, we took time to encourage them from God’s Word. No matter what their future holds, He is unchanging.

The nations raged; the kingdoms moved;
And when the earth had heard
The mighty voice He sent abroad
It melted at His word.
The Lord of hosts is on our side
Our safety to secure;
The God of Jacob is for us
A refuge strong and sure….

As Christians, we should not give in to anxiety and fear. Our trust is in our sovereign God, an ever-present help in times of trouble.

Be still and know that I am God;
Among the nations I
Will be exalted; I on earth
Will be exalted high.
The Lord of hosts is on our side
Our safety to secure;
The God of Jacob is for us
A refuge strong and sure.

If you have four minutes today to be encouraged, spend them watching this video clip of John Piper as he shares about a Christian’s proper perspective on this election day, “for this world in its present form is passing away” 1 Corinthians 7:31.

This post was published in 2008, the night before the presidential electio, but the encouragement still rings true for us today.


  1. AMEN! I just posted this video to my blog too!! HOW WONDERFUL! It is a great message, isn’t it. I LOVE how you sing the Psalm. How do you find the tunes to sing it?

  2. Amen and amen! A great message!

    I just found your posting on my blog yesterday ( – I’ve had technical difficulties since July!) – yes, you probably “know” me from TOG message boards, although I don’t spend much time there during the school year. I need to get back – I need the encouragement more during the year than when we’re taking breaks!

    And birding – I’m just a rank amateur, but building my life list. A most exciting sighting is always a Bald Eagle – one just drifted over our house a few weeks ago while we were out enjoying the weather!

    I’ll keep checking back on your blog – kindred spirits can do much to keep each other going!


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