Touching Base

I’m painfully aware that I haven’t posted anything here for almost two weeks! Our son is well again, and life has moved on. We’ve been busy, as I’m sure you have, with the holidays, and enjoying extra time with extended and immediate family.

I do plan to get back to regular posting this week. Every year on New Year’s Eve we take time to chronicle highlights–and lowlights–of the past year. I intend to put out a post later tonight about exactly how we do this. It has become a significant part of our New Year’s Eve celebration as we take time to remember all the Lord has done for us in the past year, and look back over the record of His faithfulness in previous years. We use a large, lined journal for this activity, so be sure and pick one up when you are out shopping for New Year’s Eve supplies if you’d like to begin this tradition with your own family.

In the meantime, my latest posts can be found on Counter-Cultural School, where I am writing a series about Building your Home Library. The inspiration for these posts comes from Philippians 4:8, which says,

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Philippians 4:8

The first two posts are up: Whatever is True: Biographies and Whatever is Noble: Hero Stories. I hope to have the third post, Whatever is Right: Books that build Character, finished by the new year.

Also, beginning in January, Mentoring Moments for Christian Women e-zine is changing to a new bi-monthly format. The January issue will be titled For Such a Time as This, and will cover topics such as mentoring, prayer sisters, family devotions, budgeting and family management and Valentine’s Day ideas. In addition to that, we are challenging readers to join us in January and February for 40 Days in the Gap, a time set aside for prayer and fasting. If you haven’t signed up for the Mentoring Moments newsletter, please do so today so you won’t miss out on a single issue!


  1. I’m looking forward to reading about your New Years Eve tradition!

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