What I’ve been up to

Last weekend I attended a homeschool conference. It was fun to catch up with old friends and to meet a few new ones!

I heard one phrase again and again when talking with old friends. People kept saying, “I don’t know how you do it all!” This post is for them.

I’ve said it before and I say it again: none of us can do it all! This week I am working on some writing projects. Mentoring Moments articles and two new podcasts are keeping me in front of the computer during most of my free time. I’m also starting to plan for our next school year and doing a bit of summer school with the boys.

Guess what I’m not doing?

Here’s a clue:

Wait, let’s pan out a bit further.

Yes, this is my poor husband…sleeping beside that giant mound of laundry.

I took those photos last night, right before going to bed. Earlier in the day I had put all that laundry on the bed so that I would remember to fold it before going to sleep. It didn’t work. I just pushed everything onto the floor when I tumbled into bed at 2 a.m.

I did manage to get to it today. Here is what my bed looked like at 11 a.m. this morning, after I folded and put away all that laundry.

Too bad it didn’t last….by the time lunch was over, we were back to this.

None of us can “do it all”. Let’s quit pretending we are, and give ourselves some grace, ladies!


  1. Amen, amen, and amen again! If there’s one worst habit of the homeschooling mom community, it’s the tendency to put out the falsehood that someone is doing it all. No one is. Ever.

  2. Ah, laundry… my take… as long as there is something in the drawers the boys can pull out and put on, the laundry can wait. I think it’s a good thing my boys aren’t concerned with fashion – the things they end up pulling out when I’ve been doing everything but laundry can be quite comical indeed. There just aren’t enough hours in the day… thank you for the reminder that no one can do it all!

  3. ROFL! Only because I have the same laundry system. It never works for me either.
    I liked your post on the b-day party, too. The cake was too cute!

  4. Another homeschool mom with the same laundry system. But, I am not brave enough to take photos and post on my blog. LOL

  5. My laundry system is to pile the clean laundry in laundry baskets in the dining room – thinking I’ll fold them just before fixing dinner. After all, that’s when I have “fold laundry” written in my schedule! Tomorrow morning my poor husband will be looking for clean underwear in one of those laundry baskets…..

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